I have been putting off this post for a while now, because every time I try to write anything, I get a bit sad.
Last week, Melbourne Bear fell out of the pram on our travels to the shopping centre. Although we retraced our steps twice and spoke to lost and found at the shopping centre, we haven't managed to find him. Since Oli is rarely without him, he still asks for 'bear' at bedtime. Then, sadly, remembers what happened, and says 'Bear...gone.'
We hope that someone picked him up, and will love him as much as we did. Goodbye Melbourne Bear, we'll miss you...
As most Olimonster enthusiasts will know, the little man is a bit of an engineer. He loves building towers with anything, including books, bottles and - his favourite - blocks. He was particularly proud of this creation, so I offered to document it for him. PLUS! Bonus surprise pics at the bottom :)
Fresh From Oli's imagination (with a little help from Mummy)...
The crazy multicoloured tower that barely adheres to the laws of physics!
How is that thing standing up?!*
Beautiful job, Oli! Now, it's demolition time...
Stand back, he's a professional! Smash! Crash!
Almost done, the destruction is nearly complete...
Oops, these two are still standing, can't have that.
Looking pretty pleased with himself.
Music time with Dad on the 'Gar'
Making Dad smile...
*Mummy's contributions were structural.