Thursday, August 19, 2010

New House

Well, it's taken the majority of our resources and a lot of anxious days, but we finally managed to secure ourselves a beautiful new place to live. We can't move in properly until Monday, but we thought we would stop in with a few bits and pieces today.
Big thanks to those who helped make it happen, you know who you are ;)
Here are the first pictures of our new home, with the little man starring in more than a few.

The view from Oli's new bedroom
Loungeroom, looking through to Oli's new playroom
Little man explores the laundry and kitchen.
Loungeroom from the front door
Much to Oli's joy, this football came with the house.
I'm pretty sure he approves of the backyard.
French doors leading to the pergola area.
The monster inside the French doors.
Exploring his new bedroom.
One of Oli's favourite features: the mirrored robes. Hours of Olimonster fun.