Friday, October 23, 2009

Another beautiful spring day

I was just looking through a little file I have called ‘Oliver’s Milestones and Achievements’ to see how he has progressed since this time last year, and found that the only entry for 11mths was 'First Dance'.

Since last year, his little bobbing dance has evolved into jumping, kicking, head-bobbing, waving his arms around, clapping and spinning. He has a great sense of rhythm, and will dance to anything that he likes the sound of.

He head bangs to Guns and Roses, bops enthusiastically to (mostly very bad) techno, and claps excitedly and spins in circles when he hears the theme song of one of his favourite shows. I was so proud the day he did the truffle shuffle.

His enthusiasm for music always makes me smile; I can’t wait to see him become steadier on his feet. Confidence, however, is never a problem with Oli, he seems to be under the impression that he is capable of anything, and I am hesitant to dissuade him of that.
Anyway, because I know it's what you're here
for, here are some pictures of Oli playing outside today: