Friday, October 30, 2009

Rainy Day Playdate with Isabel

Hey there Oli fans! Today it was too wet to play outside, despite it being quite warm (28C), so we had an inside playdate with Isabel. Oli and Isabel seemed to enjoy themselves; drawing, watching cartoons and munching on bananas and banana muffins for lunch.
Here are my favourite pics of the two little munchkins playing together; I think they are becoming good friends.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Playing in the garden & relaxing with Grant and the kids

Yesterday we spent the day at home, mostly, and played in the garden in the afternoon. Grant and the kids came around and I got some good shots of them all relaxing in the lounge room.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday: Fun at the Library

Just a quick update on yesterday's trip to the library for 'Shake, Rattle and Rhyme', a half hour session of singing and dancing for kids 0-2. Oli was actually one of the older kids there, this time, and had a great time. I expected to have some photos to share with everyone, but unfortunately had to keep such a close eye on Oli (not with the other kids, but the mothers' handbags - he even pulled a handkerchief out of some woman's bag) that I didn't even manage to get the camera out at all.
He really enjoyed the songs he already knew, joined in with some of the actions (I'm a little Teapot, Twinkle Twinkle) and had a great time with the other kids.
Usually the problem is that the kids are a bit older than he is and they don't understand what he's trying to say, but there were many non-talking little toddlers playing together. He had a great time with a little boy with curly blonde hair, rolling a cylindrical shaped ottoman across the library floor.
A great time was had by all, and we are definitely going back when it happens again in a fortnight :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yesterday's walk

Yesterday we went to the park sans pram, the little man walking and swinging between his Mum and Dad. Unfortunately, we didn't get any photos, but later on he went for a walk up the street with Daddy, and I managed to capture these gorgeous pictures. He is very serious about walking, as you can see from the expression on his face :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Another beautiful spring day

I was just looking through a little file I have called ‘Oliver’s Milestones and Achievements’ to see how he has progressed since this time last year, and found that the only entry for 11mths was 'First Dance'.

Since last year, his little bobbing dance has evolved into jumping, kicking, head-bobbing, waving his arms around, clapping and spinning. He has a great sense of rhythm, and will dance to anything that he likes the sound of.

He head bangs to Guns and Roses, bops enthusiastically to (mostly very bad) techno, and claps excitedly and spins in circles when he hears the theme song of one of his favourite shows. I was so proud the day he did the truffle shuffle.

His enthusiasm for music always makes me smile; I can’t wait to see him become steadier on his feet. Confidence, however, is never a problem with Oli, he seems to be under the impression that he is capable of anything, and I am hesitant to dissuade him of that.
Anyway, because I know it's what you're here
for, here are some pictures of Oli playing outside today:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oli's conversation skills

So, after playing in the sun for a while, the phone rang and Oli had a chance to practice his conversation skills with Nana. Here he is chatting away...
He's started to say 'mum n dad' a lot - he loves showing off his new verbal skills.

Nana must have said something funny :)

Having fun figuring out how the cord works. He often tries to talk into it, so I'm not so sure he gets it yet.

'Bye!' Gotta go watch some Fraggles...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

PS just got back from the park, it was awesome :)

He's very tired and red-faced, watching Fraggle Rock with his second bottle of water. And because I know you want to see it:

It's pretty humid over here today, I probably look the same...

This just in...

Just took this one, so it's as new as it can be :)
Tried to capture his hair all static-y and sticking up but he smoothed it just before I took the shot.
As you can see, his eye is looking much better. We might even go back to the park for a slide this afternoon if it stays nice...

My first post is going to be about my little man's percussive talents. Yes, he is a little drummer boy. To be fair, we haven't really tried him with wind instruments or strings (although he likes the guitar), but I think he looks at home sitting on the djembe (above) or smacking the crap outta stuff with the drumsticks. You can tell he's a serious percussive artist just by the look on his face.

Due to popular demand...

Hey there. Looks like I've bowed to pressure and decided to start my own Oli blog to keep some important folks updated. I will post pictures, anecdotes and progress updates all about our favourite little man as often as I can. First pictures coming soon...