Sunday, January 29, 2012

Summertime fun

Just a brief one this time. Recently we went and had a picnic lunch down by the creek. Oli rode his bike there, and enjoyed eating his peanut butter sandwich in a peaceful setting on a warm, sunny day. We also saw lots of interesting birds in the trees around the creek from our little tuft in the shade. We'll have to make more time to go down to the creek and explore before the weather gets colder...

Showing off his muscles.
Standing casually next to his bike after a (reasonably) long ride to the creek.
Having some lunch in the shade, enjoying the sounds of the creek...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Another year older...

Hey everyone! I know I've somewhat neglected the blog for a little while now, but I have not neglected to take pictures, so don't worry :D
The young man recently turned 4, so we did a few special things to mark the day...

Oh yes, first bike. Shiny and red.
A wink from the monster, all suave on his new bike.
Opening presents!*
Happy 4 year old, ripping up wrapping paper.
Dad gives a demo of the new magnet drawing contraption...
Oli has a go on his own...
Time to get the tyres dirty! Woot! First ride outside...
Having a break to play with Drastic.
First air-hockey game at the arcade.
Driving on the grass...
Staying on the road, with a little help from Dad...
The basketball that Daddy won for him from the skill-tester machine! An unexpected present...
Playing whack-a-mole. Thought he would love it, considering his love of hitting things with other things...
...but those critters were a bit too quick and frustrating after a while...
Having a ride with some new friends...
Strawberries and cream cake with a 4 candle on top for the birthday boy.
Tucking into his cake...mmmm....
Almost done!
In bed, sometime after 10pm. What a day...

* Thanks to everyone who thought of Oli this year and sent gifts, cards and wishes; he (and we) very much appreciate it, and he had a fantastic day.