Monday, November 16, 2009

New blog - finally!

Well, it's been an interesting week, and I haven't really been in as close proximity to my Olimonster as I would have liked. He seems to have grown so much in my absence, and I wasn't gone for THAT long!
He attempts to mimic every word we say now, and has grown a couple of inches in just two months. He's so much steadier on his feet and confident in his movements. I am such a proud Mum when he listens carefully and answers my questions with a nod of his head or a word. I can't wait until we're having whole conversations...
Anyway, here are two pictures I liked, I hope to have more soon.

If you look closely, you can see that he is holding a flower stem in one hand (sans actual flower) and a dry leaf in the other. Strange, but cute.

My little future heart-breaker...


  1. awww.... he is so darn cute! I love that almost-frown in the second pic <3

  2. Those big brown eyes melt my heart!

  3. Okay, so he's a current heart-breaker too :)
