Saturday, May 1, 2010


I just wanted to let everyone know what the Olimonster has been up to lately, considering it's been nearly a month since my last post.

We've been going on a lot of outings lately, to the park and the library, as well as daily walks around the block to look for new and interesting stones to add to Oli's growing collection.
He had his first ever picnic lunch the other day - on a bench in the big adventure playground. The weather wasn't the best, but we didn't let the rain ruin our fun; we sat undercover with the barbecues and ate our sandwiches until the rain stopped.

We visit the library at least once a week, and he has an opportunity to run around and look at books and play with the other kids. He's a bit brash, but most kids have been fairly accepting of his insistence to read with them or join in their games. We borrow a lot of books and DVD's, we practically have to go back once a week because he wants to read each book every night before he goes to bed, and mummy needs a bit of variety.

Yesterday we went to see Eva at her new job at the cafe. Oli tried a babychino (ie cup full of foam) and played with some Lego.

He's definitely learning social skills and using them to win the heart of every shop keeper in the Market. (And score free grapes from some of them). His vocabulary is coming along nicely, and he can put two or three words together quite easily now. His favourites are 'Abby's Flying School' and 'Soccer Ball'.

And now, because I know it's what you're here to see, here are a few pictures of the young monster at play...

This is a boat, apparently. The coolest boat I've ever seen.
The mast is looking a little wobbly.
It's all in the expression of the demolitions expert: he's serious when it comes to destruction.
One last look at that face; until next time...


  1. Sounds like you're all having *so* much fun... I wish I could go to the library every week!

    Nice to see Pippy is keeping him company :)

  2. Thanks Jax! I can always count on you to brighten up my day with this blog!
