Sunday, January 22, 2012

Another year older...

Hey everyone! I know I've somewhat neglected the blog for a little while now, but I have not neglected to take pictures, so don't worry :D
The young man recently turned 4, so we did a few special things to mark the day...

Oh yes, first bike. Shiny and red.
A wink from the monster, all suave on his new bike.
Opening presents!*
Happy 4 year old, ripping up wrapping paper.
Dad gives a demo of the new magnet drawing contraption...
Oli has a go on his own...
Time to get the tyres dirty! Woot! First ride outside...
Having a break to play with Drastic.
First air-hockey game at the arcade.
Driving on the grass...
Staying on the road, with a little help from Dad...
The basketball that Daddy won for him from the skill-tester machine! An unexpected present...
Playing whack-a-mole. Thought he would love it, considering his love of hitting things with other things...
...but those critters were a bit too quick and frustrating after a while...
Having a ride with some new friends...
Strawberries and cream cake with a 4 candle on top for the birthday boy.
Tucking into his cake...mmmm....
Almost done!
In bed, sometime after 10pm. What a day...

* Thanks to everyone who thought of Oli this year and sent gifts, cards and wishes; he (and we) very much appreciate it, and he had a fantastic day.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous photos Jax!
    4 years have flown by...what was life like PO?
